Vareggløpere til Waranderloop

Søndag er det stort terrengløp i Nederland. Løpet gjelder som EM-uttak for norske løpere.

Halfdan-Emil Færø drar lørdag formiddag til Tilburg i Nederland. Halfdan-Emil har holdt formen etter den sterke innsatsen i NM-terrengløp midt i oktober. Halfdan har deltatt i Waranderloop tidligere og har derfor ikke noe debutant-drawback.

Arrangøren skriver følgende om løpet: "The International Warandecross is among the most prominent cross country races in Europe, being assigned the EA Permit status. It is organized by the local organizing committee under the auspices of the Dutch Athletics Federation. Traditionally, strong competition at a European level is guaranteed, largely because of the date at which the Warandecross takes place. With usually about three weeks to go before the European Cross Country Championships, the Warandecross offers athletes a final test moment, and for some countries it has even become a final qualification moment."

Mer om Waranderloop finner du her: http://www.warandeloop...
