Startlistene forteller om horder av løpere fra Ytrebygda-området, mens antallet fra byens solside ikke kommer høyere to. Ellers finner vi løpere fra de lokale klubbene Fana, Gular og Årstad.
Skottene har ry som ryddige og rutinerte arrangører. Alt fra parkering til forpleining på samlingsplass etter løpene, pleier å fungere utmerket. Terreng og løyper tilfredstiller de kresne, og inspirerer de løpsglade. Parallelt med Scottish 6 Days arrangeres såkalt "Euromeeting" for ambisiøse eliteløpere. Her vil Håkon Westergård forhåpentligvis vise at han er en løper å satse på til VM i Skottland 2015.
Du kan lese mer om de sportslige utfordringene på arrangementets hjemmeside. Der står det også en del om andre fristelser for den aktive turisten.
Arrangøren gir følgende informasjon om gjennomføringen:
Age Class: A full range of age classes are available. Entry on the day (at registration) only if there are unused start times and maps.
Colour coded: White, Yellow, Orange, Light Green and Green (entry on the day available at registration). These cover a spectrum of technical and physical
difficulty, starting from very easy and progressing to more difficult.
String and Off String: There will be non-competitive (i.e. times are not recorded) String and Off-String courses provided each day for young children, using
special maps. There will be no charge. Certificates will be awarded, and should be kept to be filled in on finishing each day. Electronic punching will be used.
Register at information on Saturday 27th July or at the string course on event days. Courses available between 10:00 and 15:00.
Shadowing children: We must ensure that the competition is fair to everyone. If juniors require shadowing, they must enter the colour coded courses. No
shadowing will be allowed before your own run. The adult shadower must not pick up a map at the start.
Pre-Start Map Viewing: Blank maps will be displayed in assembly and in start lanes. Maps for courses 1, 2 , 8 and 9 will be displayed in assembly for
competitors to view before their run.
Start Times: Starts are from 10:00 to 14:00 with courses closing at 16:30. It is the competitors responsibility to arrive at the start on time. Runners not on
time will be started as soon as possible, but there may be long waits for a free slot. Start times will not be changed at the start. Persistent deviation from
allocated start times may be investigated by the organisers. Bibs will display PS for competitors with punching starts (helpers and parents with split starts).
Start lists will be displayed in assembly. Please clear your SI cards on the way to the start.. Competitors are responsible for picking up the correct map.
Map Scales: The map scale for all competitors will be 1:10000 except on the sand dune days (1,2,3 and 5) when 1:7500 will be used for M/W45+, TD1-4
and courses 21, 28 and 29. The elite classes (M21E and W21E) on Day 6 will use 1:15000. Map sizes will be ca. A3 or A4. Maps on waterproof paper.
Results: On display in assembly and regularly updated on the web. Wi-Fi available in assembly courtesy of SPORTident. Results books will not be printed.
Scoring: For elite classes, scoring is based on cumulative times over the week i.e. competitors will need to complete every day. For all other classes ,
points will be awarded for each days result, with points allocated based on finishing position. Thus, the class winner will receive 1 point, second placed
competitor 2 points, and so on. Competitors overall score will be the sum of their best four scores of the week. In the event of a tie between two or more
competitors the competitor with the lowest individual day placing will win. Competitors who fail to finish, who do not start, or who are disqualified, will be
awarded a points score which is 5% higher than the maximum number (over all six days) of entrants for the class.
Electronic Punching: The SPORTident electronic punching system will be used, and all versions of SI card are accepted. It is essential that all
competitors visit the download tent by course closing time (16:30) whether or not they have finished their course.
Control Description Sheets: All age class and colour coded courses will use pictorial description sheets. Control descriptions will be printed on the
competition maps; loose copies will be available in the start lanes.
M/W21 Elite: The elite classes (M21E and W21E) have a middle distance race on Day 2 and Day 4. Day 4 will have World Ranking Status. Day 6 will be a
long distance race, and will have a seeded start (leader starts last).
Euromeeting: The Euromeeting 2013 competition will be held in conjunction with Moray 2013. Euromeeting races are: Sprint (Lossiemouth 31st July), Middle
(Day 4) and Long (Day 6). Euromeeting competitors will use the same courses as the 6 Day elite runners. Euromeeting runners will have a separate start.
Sprint elites will have separate bibs.
Prizes: There will be awards at the prizegiving at 3pm on the last day for the first 3 competitors in all age classes. Gold/Silver/Bronze badges will be
available at £3 each to all those who qualify. Badge times will be available at information.
Complaints, Protests and Appeals: Complaints should be made to the Day Organiser either orally or in writing at the information tent up to 16.30 on the day
of the competition. There is no fee for a complaint. The Day organiser is the adjudicator of a complaint. A protest can be made against the Organisers
decision, in writing to the Controller. Protests and appeals will be handled under Rule 9 and Appendix G of the 2011 British Orienteering Rules.
Clothing and Equipment: The torso and legs shall be covered, and it is recommended that a whistle is carried. The Day organiser may require a cagoule/
waterproof jacket to be worn/ carried if the weather is bad if so, notices will be displayed in the assembly field and on the route to the starts.
Bibs: Must be worn on all days. Please note that on day 5 access to the assembly area will require bibs. Please write relevant medical information on the
back of bibs (e.g. allergies).
Taping: The following colours will be used: yellow/black danger; red/white out of bounds/ crossing points; white only taped routes in terrain. Routes to
starts will be taped according to the start colour.
Water: There are no drink stations on the courses with the exception of the Day 6 elite Long race. There will be no water at the finish. Competitors should
hydrate before their run; there will be bags at each start for the disposal of bottles.
2013-07-26 09:38:29